GPTW Certification: What makes a company a great place to work?

  • 14/06/2022
  • 9 minutes

When we think of great places to work, we usually focus first on those features that make the office more fun. Happy hour, free pizza, a ball pool, working in whatever clothes we want… But these are just details. And what makes a really good place to work is serious talk!

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In this post, you will learn about the GPTW certificate, a program that recognizes the best companies in the country to work for. In addition, you will find out what criteria this certification takes into account when classifying a company as a great (or not) work environment. Shall we?

What is GPTW?

The “Great Place to Work” is a global consulting firm that evaluates and encourages organizations to create a healthier work environment by valuing a culture of trust, innovation, and well-being.

Besides offering consulting services and educating companies, this organization also assesses and certifies the best work environments in Brazil and around the world. To evaluate the organizational climate, GPTW relies on the practical measurement of the reports and opinions of its employees.

Companies that score highly in several evaluation criteria are awarded the GPTW certificate. The organization is also responsible for creating the annual list that reveals the ranking of the 150 best companies to work for in the country.

Advantages of a GPTW company

The foundation of a great workplace is not just in the benefits that employees receive, but in creating a culture of trust and engagement that is people-centred, without losing focus on results!

In fact, the leaders of these certified companies don’t want to refer to their staff only as employees, but as promoting partners, who would even be able to invest in that business. These people tend to have a greater sense of commitment and empathy with the other members of their team.

It is also worth remembering that an organizational climate based on a culture of trust and engagement has a direct impact on results and performance, besides attracting more customers and being a great help to recruiters. After all, what person would not love to work in a company with a GPTW certificate?

Of course, building and maintaining a great culture is not an easy thing to accomplish. It requires committed leaders to devote time and attention to an effort that never ends. It means taking a long-term view, as well as maintaining a frequent, authentic, and in-depth communication style. In this context, the GPTW certificate represents credibility for the company, as it indicates that its efforts are going in the right direction.

What is taken into account in the GPTW certification?

After all, what should a GPTW-certified company look like in practice? Check now some of the essential qualities that are taken into account in this certification.

Trust in Leadership

Strong leadership is a characteristic of a great place to work. However, it is only effective when it is visible. The certified leadership team must take a consistent stance that is clearly communicated and accessible to employees.

Companies with confidence in their leadership institute transparency policies, prioritize dialogue to ensure there is always alignment, and raise shared goals that are authentic and beneficial to the entire team. Leaders must act as a compass positioning their employees for what lies ahead.

A great place to work is where you can trust the people around you and where you are proud of what you do. “Our strengths are the care and respect for people, the work environment, our solidity and pride in belonging, which make employees want to stay with the company,” comments Rosario Curis, coordinator of Human and Organizational Development at Wilson Sons.


When, in a company, decisions are shared with everyone in a clear and accessible way, you can be sure that you are on the right track.  


The care with safety has always been a key part of Wilson Sons. Therefore, for years the company has been a reference on the subject, and an inspiration to other companies, certifying that not only its employees work in a safe environment, but the community in its surroundings will also have this certainty.


Innovative organizations invest in technology to optimize processes and encourage employees to take risks and share ideas. As a result, employees are motivated and proud of their work, and the company has more opportunities to grow and succeed.

Wilson Sons: a GPTW award-winning company

In 2021, we received the GPTW certificate, with 15 points above the required for this achievement in the first evaluation. About 85% of employees stated that the company is a great place to work, compared to the minimum score of 70% for the company to be considered a GPTW in the Brazilian market.

“It is a score well above the minimum necessary to receive an achievement for the whole company, for all of us. I particularly attach great importance to this process, because the GPTW methodology seeks to measure the level of trust that our employees feel toward their peers, managers, and the company itself. And, in my understanding, trust is the basis of everything we want to build together”, explains Fernando Salek, CEO of Wilson Sons.

Currently, Wilson Sons is the largest integrated maritime logistics operator in the Brazilian market, known for its strong pillars of occupational health, safety and sustainability. During the pandemic, some people management practices were implemented: such as telemedicine, telepsychology and mental health actions. All designed to ensure the well-being of our employees.

We intend to honour the GPTW certificate and continue to act in an increasingly innovative way. Are you coming with us?

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