Waste Management: a sustainable commitment
- 05/04/2024
- 5 minutes

In the journey towards sustainability, waste management emerges as a crucial component, fulfilling the commitment to responsible business practices and environmentally conscious efforts. But after all, what is waste management?
To gain a better understanding of the topic, we spoke with the expert on the subject, Marcelo Rampazzo, Health, Safety, and Environment Manager at Wilson Sons. In this article, constructed through insights from this conversation, we will explain what correct waste management is and its importance.
Understanding Waste Management
Waste management is a set of actions aimed at the correct management of discarded materials. It ranges from the identification of the types of waste generated to the implementation of strategies for their reduction, treatment, reuse and proper disposal.
Proper waste management goes beyond mere disposal and aims to minimize the environmental impact of materials throughout their entire life cycle, thereby mitigating impacts on the environment and society.
Why is this important?
In Rampazzo’s words, “the sustainability agenda is a challenge for everyone. Responsible waste management appears as a strategic imperative for today’s organizations.”
Engaging in proper waste management directly impacts the preservation of the environment, public health, and the legacy we leave for future generations. Proper management not only reduces damages but also contributes to better operational efficiency, as companies, by doing so, fulfill their commitment to social and environmental responsibility.
Waste management in the maritime and port market
When we talk about operations in marine environments, environmental responsibility becomes an essential pillar. Among the many service lines offered in the area, integrated waste management stands out as a crucial area for oil and gas customers. Understanding the complexity of waste from offshore units is critical. From oily waste resulting from well drilling to materials like batteries, and solid waste, each element requires not only proper treatment but also responsible disposal.
It is important not only to ensure the safe collection of these wastes but also to carry out careful sorting, directing them to appropriate disposal, in accordance with environmental regulations.
The engagement is not limited to the operational aspect, detailed documentation is an essential part of this process. All necessary documents, from receipt to final disposal, must be meticulously maintained to ensure transparency and compliance with regulatory requirements.
“By providing our clients with a comprehensive solution for waste management, we take responsibility for controlling the receipt, conducting meticulous checks in this process, ensuring proper storage, and providing appropriate transportation and disposal solutions,” comments Rampazzo.
Technology as an ally
Using technology for material management and control is a great way out. Wilson Sons Offshore Support Bases offer a robust waste management service to our customers.
The quest for better environmental solutions is ongoing, with a thorough assessment of the options available in the market, ensuring responsible and sustainable choices.
As Marcelo Rampazzo highlights: “At Wilson Sons, we constantly think about the best environmental solutions for our clients, seeking out and endorsing the available paths in the market.” We seal our efficiency through audits. Our system is constantly checked and verified, ensuring the quality of the service provided”.
In summary, waste management goes far beyond mere administration; it is a commitment to sustainability, regulatory compliance, and operational excellence. Here, we don’t just manage waste, we manage trust, transparency and environmental responsibility.Now that you know how waste management works, deepen your knowledge of the concept of zero carbon.