Wilson Sons Shipping Agency participates in exercise with 31 armored tanks
- 04/09/2021
- 2 minutes
The Wilson Sons Shipping Agency of Wilson Sons Group has just participated in the Atlantic V Operation, in the service of the shipowner Norsul. This war exercise, carried out by the Brazilian Army with the support of the Brazilian Navy, moved 31 armoured tanks of the Cascavel Army, in Paraná, to the port of São Francisco do Sul, in Santa Catarina. It was part of the periodic training of the armed forces, that also involved 16 support cars and about 150 men.
“The Wilson Sons Shipping Agency role, at a request of the shipowner Norsul, was to ensure the release of all involved in this operation to the TESC terminal, as well to program the mooring and unmooring maneuvers of the barge N10, together with the port authority, service of Practice and tugboats, “explains the executive director of the company, Christian Lachmann.
The Navy presented its plan of manoeuvre, with the necessity of a vessel with the capacity to receive the vehicles and the platoons involved in the activity. The shipowner made his N10 barge available for the operation, which was in the port of São Francisco do Sul.
“The armoured tanks came from the city of Cascavel, in Paraná, 676 km far. The vehicles made the train route to Paranaguá and then via road transport to the port. In the end, they returned to their bases in Paraná. “
The operation took three days in total, from the mooring of the barge and the preconditions on the first day, until the arrival of the vehicles and the troops; The exercise of embarkation and landing on the second day; And the release of the barge by the armed forces on the third day. It was necessary a large logistical scheme by the Brazilian army with the local school Felipe Schmidt, who served as a base/dormitory for the troop.
Fonte: Logweb