Wilson Sons participates in the first full load operation of the new berth of the Port of Itaqui

  • 15/03/2022
  • 4 minutes

Newly built in the Maranhão terminal, Pier 99 will be dedicated to the
movement of commodities, mainly wood pulp

Wilson Sons was responsible for the agency of the vessel Pelican Arrow, owned by G2 Ocean,
which carried out the first full load operation at Pier 99, recently opened in the Port of Itaqui
(MA). In total, 59,002 tons of wood pulp were shipped, of which 28,172 tons were destined
to the Port of La Pallice, in France, and 30,830 tons to the Port of Flushing, in the Netherlands.
The vessel departed this Thursday (24/2) for Flushing, with an estimated arrival date of March

Two other ships have recently berthed at Pier 99 but have only operated part of the cargo.
The operation with the Pelican Arrow lasted six days, and the Wilson Sons shipping division
coordinated the work with the terminal, operator, and shipper.

“As berth 99 is still in the commissioning and approval phase, there are restrictions to be
considered for this operation, such as coordination with pilotage and other stakeholders to
carry out manoeuvers only during the day, seeking to maintain productivity combined with
safety”, highlights André Nogueira, coordinator of Agency Operations in São Luís.

Nogueira explains that the Agency is also responsible for managing the export documentation
of the cargo with the customs broker and shipper, for communicating with regulatory
agencies and for the services that are required by the crew and the ship.

The new pier was built by Suzano, the largest producer of eucalyptus pulp in the country,
which exported over 1.6 million tons in 2021. The company also invested in the construction
of a new warehouse which more than doubled the cargo storage capacity.

“In addition to exporting pulp, Pier 99 is also an alternative for the operation of other
commodities, such as wheat and fertilizers, and will contribute to reducing the waiting time
of the ships”, highlights Iully Matos, maritime agent for São Luís branch of the Wilson Sons
Shipping Agency.

The Northern Arc, the area where Itaqui terminal is located, currently has great potential for
the movement of commodities, especially after the conclusion of the BR-163, which connects
the South to the North of the country. According to data from the National Water Transport
Agency (Antaq), the ports in the region grew by more than 25% from 2016 to 2021.
The shipping agency division was Wilson Sons first business, with more than 180 years of
experience. Today it is the largest independent agency in the country, present in the main
Brazilian ports through 18 own branches. It serves vessels in the most diverse segments, such
as ore, coal, steel, sugar, grains, fertilizers, liquids, offshore and passenger ships.

About Wilson Sons
Wilson Sons is the largest integrated operator of port and maritime logistics in the Brazilian
market, with over 180 years of experience. The company has national coverage and offers
complete solutions for more than 2,000 customers, including shipowners, importers and
exporters, oil and gas industry, renewable energy projects, agribusiness sector, and other
participants in various segments of the economy.

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