Wilson Sons’ Shipping Agency bets on the growth of the bulk liquid market in the North and Northeast regions

  • 02/05/2022
  • 4 minutes

The company was the tanker agent for the unloading of diesel at the ports of Manaus (AM)
and Itaqui (MA)

Wilson Sons was the shipping agency responsible for the tanker Horizon Theoni, chartered by
the fuel distributor Atem, for the unloading of diesel in the ports of Manaus (AM) and Itaqui
(MA) on March 29th and 30th. Companies in the sector estimate an increase in the volume of
bulk liquid handling in the region in the coming months, especially at the Itaqui terminal,
which has been setting records for the last four years.

In the operation, Wilson Sons’ Shipping Agency was in charge of cargo documentation and
coordinated information between the different parts involved: crew, shipowner, charterer,
terminal and port operator. “The main challenge was to guarantee an operational window at
the liquid berths, since the line-up is very busy, with direct transhipment operations, where
it is necessary to berth two ships at the same time,” says André Nogueira, coordinator of
agency operations in São Luís.

The Shipping Agency also made it possible to bunker the tanker simultaneously with the
unloading of diesel at the Port of Itaqui. “This was essential for the vessel to continue its trip
without delays,” explains André. He points out that the liquid bulk vessels, in general, call
more than one port along the Brazilian coast, which makes “Wilson Sons a strategic partner
due to the company’s coverage in 19 ports with its own offices”.

“Wilson Sons has been serving us in the North region for more than five years with
commitment, dedication and good results. The trust, the respect, the good service, the
prioritisation of answers and services, the ease of contact and communication, the directed
guidance and the search for quick solutions were positive points that counted when choosing
the company for this work,” says Zigeane Carvalho, International Market Coordinator of

Shipping Agency was the first business of Wilson Sons, founded more than 180 years ago.
Today it is the largest independent shipping agency in the country, present in the main
Brazilian ports, with 19 own branches. In 2021, Wilson Sons attended more than 4,000 calls
in various segments, such as ore, coal, steel, sugar, grains, fertilisers, chemicals, liquids and
the offshore segment.

About Wilson Sons
Wilson Sons is the largest integrated operator of port and maritime logistics in the Brazilian
market, with over 180 years of experience. The Company has national coverage and offers
complete solutions for more than two thousand customers, including shipowners, importers
and exporters, oil and gas industry, renewable energy projects, agribusiness sector, and other
participants in various segments of the economy.

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