Sustainable growth with long-term value generation is based on 2030 Global Agenda for Sustainable Development of the UN (United Nations). Therefore, in 2009, we made a public commitment to the ten Principles of the UN Global Compact, actively contributing to advances related to sustainable development.
Reaffirming our commitment to the agenda, we have defined an operating model that connects sustainability management to strategic goals based on the adoption of the best ESG (Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance) practices when conducting our business.
We work together to ensure a better future for the planet and people. We seek to adopt the best environmental, social and governance practices, prioritizing the company's material issues.
We establish material topics based on the relevance of environmental, social and governance topics from the impact perspective, adopted by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and from the financial perspective, adopted by the IFRS S1 Standard of the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB). The topics are identified from a broad study, updated within 5 years.
Its most recent review, carried out in 2023, covered the assessment of sector reports, the qualitative engagement of internal and external stakeholders, through interviews, and an online survey with the participation of employees, customers, suppliers, investors, non-governmental organizations, trade associations, members of local communities, universities and research centers.
The update study made it possible to identify ten material topics that reflect the main impacts to be managed and communicated by Wilson Sons to its stakeholders. Five of them also significantly influence the capacity to generate financial value and are prioritized due to their financial materiality.
Trabalhamos juntos para assegurar futuros melhores para o planeta e para as pessoas. Buscamos adotar as melhores práticas ambientais, sociais e de governança priorizando os temas materiais da companhia.
Estabelecemos os temas materiais a partir da relevância dos temas ambientais, sociais e de governança pelas perspectivas de impacto, adotada pela Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) e pela perspectiva financeira, adotada pela Norma IFRS S1 do International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB). O temas são identificados a partir de um amplo estudo, atualizado em até 5 anos,. Sua mais recente revisão, realizada em 2023, abrangeu a avaliação de relatórios setoriais, do engajamento qualitativo de stakeholders internos e externos, por meio de entrevistas, e uma pesquisa on line com a participação de colaboradores, clientes, fornecedores, investidores, organizações não governamentais, associações de classe, membros das comunidades locais, universidades e centros de pesquisa.
O estudo de atualização possibilitou a identificação de dez temas materiais que refletem os principais impactos a serem gerenciados e comunicados pela Wilson Sons aos seus stakeholders. Cinco deles também influenciam de forma significativa a capacidade de geração de valor financeiro e são priorizados em virtude da materialidade financeira.
Wilson Sons' Sustainability Journey has been an annual and systematic process of integrating our business model with relevant ESG topics, considering the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the UN Global Compact. Through the Sustainability Journey, strategic guidelines are defined that help us prioritize initiatives to achieve the strategic ambitions established in the Company's long-term ESG management plan. The strategic guidelines are monitored by a group of leadership ambassadors, the ESG Committee and the executive board of Wilson Sons.
Check out some highlights on the contribution of the strategic lines of environment, social and governance to the SDGs of the UN’s 2030 Agenda:
Sustainability Indicators
Committed to transparency in communicating and disclosing the impacts of our sustainable activities and actions throughout the sector, we carry out Wilson Sons’ sustainability management in accordance with the GRI Standards, developed by the Global Reporting Initiative and considered an international reference for communicating sustainability management.
Wilson Sons' commitment to implementing the Global Compact's 2030 Agenda can be followed at COP (Progress Communication) for the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals).
ESG Indexes and Ratings:
ESG ratings are valuable tools for investors and other stakeholders seeking to understand sustainability performance. We have selected some of these agencies to provide ESG ratings to help us ensure a comprehensive and detailed view of sustainability practices and risks. Check out the sustainability assessments we have participated in:
- Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA) applied by Standard & Poor Global (S&P Global). The organization uses robust ESG criteria, defined in partnership with world leaders, to assess specific topics for the Transportation and Transportation Infrastructure sectors.
- CDP (Disclosure Insight Action), global platform that provides investors and analysts with information on the management of risks and opportunities, performance and strategic vision of participating organizations. In 2023, the Company responded to the climate change questionnaire and obtained, for the second year, a B grade.
- Bloomberg ESG Survey. The data collected on environmental, social and governance (ESG) practices enables the public disclosure of ESG information to improve investor decision-making and allows companies to assess their progress towards sustainability best practices.
- MSCI ESG Rating. In 2023, Wilson Sons received an MSCI ESG Rating of BBB (on a scale of AAA-CCC). The MSCI ESG Ratings are an assessment of the company's exposure to industry-specific ESG risks and the company's ability to manage those risks relative to its peers.
We believe that sustainability is an ongoing commitment and must be carried out with transparency. In the Wilson Sons Sustainability Report we communicate our achievements and challenges based on the GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) principles and the TCFD (Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures) guidelines.
The full report is available for download here
Follow our Sustainability Journey:
We started Criando Laços (Creating Bonds)
Company's official volunteer program.
We launched the 1st version of the Code of Ethics and Conduct
Together with other companies, we founded the Brazilian Council for Social Volunteering (CBVE) - a network of companies, institutes and business foundations that develop corporate volunteering programs.
We joined the UN Global Compact
World's largest corporate sustainability initiative.
We launched the WS+ Program, the company's official safety culture program
We launched the Tugboat Operations Center (COR), an ally in the efficient management of our carbon footprint.
We became members of the “Business and Human Rights” Working Group of the Ethos Institute.
We joined the Social Responsibility Committee of the IBP (Brazilian Petroleum Institute).
We published the 1st Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions Inventory on the Public Emissions Registry Platform, ratifying our commitment to transparency
We launched the 1st Materiality Matrix, which consolidated the perceptions of the company's priority ESG themes
We published the 1st Integrated Report, which included sustainability information, using Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) indicators
We updated the Materiality Matrix and repositioned the sustainability agenda
We achieved world-class safety performance according to the DSS+ methodology, formerly DuPont
We joined the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), considered the largest climate change management assessment platform
We carried out the 1st Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA) by Standard & Poor Global (S&P Global), in which we surpassed the average of companies in our sector
We secured the gold seal in the greenhouse gas inventory of the GHG Protocol Program, a milestone obtained through independent external verification
We debuted on the Novo Mercado at B3, strengthening our commitment to the highest standards of corporate governance
We became members of the Social Responsibility Council of the Federation of Industries of Rio de Janeiro (Firjan)
We published the 1st Sustainability Report
We carried out an assessment of the risks and opportunities of the climate agenda, considering the international methodology “TCFD” (Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures)
We were recognized as one of the best companies to work for, at the Rio de Janeiro headquarters, according to the Great Place to Work (GPTW) methodology
For the 2nd consecutive year, our Carbon Emissions Inventory were recognized with the Gold Seal of the GHG Protocol Program
We launched the Strategic Guidelines for sustainability, which defined the priority themes within each of the ESG axes
We improved our score in the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), achieving better results
We published the 2nd Sustainability Report and our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Policy
We launched the 1st ESG Week, with lectures, actions and awareness of our team
Fomos recertificados pela Great Place To Work (GPTW) como um excelente lugar para trabalhar.
We secured, for the third consecutive year, the Gold seal of the GHG Protocol Program
We reviewed the Materiality Matrix, updating our ESG topics to provide a future vision aligned with the new impactful scenarios for our business
As signatories of the Global Compact, we seek to meet the Sustainable Development Goals by increasing the share of renewable energy in our energy matrix.
Most of our assets are located on the shore, in environments that are highly sensitive to climate conditions. The effects of global warming, resulting from the concentration of greenhouse gases (GHG), have changed climate dynamics, with increasingly intense weather events that may negatively impact the Company's business and, at the same time, create opportunities for the development of innovations and differentiation in the market.
We build modern, resilient and sustainable infrastructures and foster innovation as well as the use of renewable resources. We take urgent measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and combat climate change. Wilson Sons has been working on several initiatives aimed at decarbonizing the maritime logistics sector, such as:
- Use of onshore power on tugboats | prioritizes the consumption of renewable energy
- Monitoring of the fleet during movements | optimizes movement speeds
- Construction of more efficient tugboats | consume up to 14% less fuel
- Replacement of diesel equipment with electric equipment in container terminals
- Acquisition of 100% renewable electrical energy in container terminals.
Check out everything about these strategic lines by accessing our special page dedicated to the Environment.
In the social scenario, contributing to people’s development is a strategic topic of our business. We adopt practices that foster well-being in the workplace. We believe in fostering a culture of safety excellence. We care about our relationships with local communities and invest in social programs. We are dedicated to understanding and addressing the impacts and opportunities of our actions in society.
Fostering a healthy, safe, diverse, inclusive and egalitarian environment, capable of generating business prosperity, preservation of the planet and community-social vitality is our commitment.
Strategic lines:
- Safety
- Communities and Human Rights
- Diversity, development and health of people
As signatories of the Global Compact, we seek to meet the Sustainable Development Goals, by ensuring social benefits and caring for the communities surrounding our businesses. We ensure health and safety for well-being in the workplace. We adopt robust learning systems for the professional training of our employees. We ensure diversity and the reduction of inequalities, combating all forms of prejudice.
Check out everything about these strategic lines by accessing our special page dedicated to Social.
Ensuring transparent, ethical and digitally secure processes, capable of sharing value, leveraging wealth generation, community-social vitality and engagement with stakeholders, is at the heart of our activities.
Strategic lines:
- Supply chain management
- Ethics, transparency and integrity
- Information security
As signatories of the Global Compact, we seek to meet the Sustainable Development Goals by fostering sustained economic growth in productivity, employability, decent work and sustainable procurement. We foster innovation and ensure privacy and data protection. We apply effective anti-corruption measures and are prepared for responsive decision-making. We strengthen partnerships by sharing knowledge and technology for sustainable development.
Check out everything about these strategic lines by accessing the special page dedicated to Governance.
We have an Integrity Program supported by codes of ethical conduct for employees and suppliers and by the anti-corruption guide, which guide our commitments to integrity in our relationships. We are on a continuous journey in search of the best environmental, social and governance practices, acting with the commitment to apply them with transparency in the conduct of our business.
Wilson Sons Sustainability Report, guided by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standard is part of this trajectory and details initiatives, projects and the company's ESG results.