DUIMP: learn more about the new single import declaration

  • 24/12/2019
  • 11 分钟

The DUIMP has come to facilitate day-to-day importing and to unify documents, creating a more practical sequence of actions for merchants. It is definitely a measure that deserves to be known in detail.

Bureaucratic tasks can become major obstacles in the life of any and all trader. But the truth is that bureaucracy, when well thought out, does have its purposes and may even get ahead of the problems.

In this scenario, wouldn’t it be great if documents were unified for import declarations? Because now, with the DUIMP, this has been happening!

Prior to its creation, all those involved in importation acted separately. Thus, there was a need for customs control to verify the correct provision of information in the process, which generated slowness, costs to the importer, and even loss of goods.

The idealization of the DUIMP arrived to avoid these issues, so much so that it has been considered a salvation for those who sought to solve bureaucratic issues in the daily routine of importation without delay. Keep an eye out to better understand this news!

What is the DUIMP?

Abbreviation for Single Declaration of Importation (in Portuguese, “Declaração Única de Importação”), the DUIMP is a measure adopted by the federal government that aims to implement a new importation process with benefits to companies operating in foreign trade in the country. The DUIMP will be able to replace the current Simplified Import Declaration (DSI) and Import Declaration (DI).

With it:

  • the registration of the goods will precede its entry into the country and will be done in parallel with obtaining licenses for import operations;
  • a standardization will be made, which will occur during the transit of the goods, allowing it to reach its destination without major embarrassment, avoiding certain costs and eventual losses of material with the storage in place;
  • the new electronic document of the import process will gather information of various types: administrative, commercial, customs, financial, tax, and logistics.

In a quick analysis, you can already see that the process will tend towards simplification, right? What’s more, the DUIMP can be integrated into both public and private systems.

What are the advantages of the DUIMP?

Among the DUIMP’s main recognized advantages are the flexibility, centralization, speed of validation, and harmony of processes integrated into the system. Basically, we can say that the licensing process will be easier as the declaration will act as a single license for multiple types of import operations.

In depth, it is possible to notice the use of time and energy in highlighting how licensing gains in versatility compared to the numerous operations previously involved. There will also be reduced errors by throwing information into various systems and reduced paperwork.

The DUIMP will allow centralization of information and tax and fee payments, as well as automatic validation of declared data and improved release of cargo, as it will be possible to schedule product inspections by regulatory agencies. A database describing the goods already imported will also be a relevant source of inquiry.

In addition, as we have already mentioned, there will be a reduction in damage both to the goods themselves and to the time spent in the proceedings, as in some cases the order may be brought forward. Other than that, there will still be greater control of operations.

What changes with the installation of the DUIMP?

The practical changes made with the DUIMP will be felt and celebrated in various aspects of the process.

As far as taxes are concerned, companies certified as Level 2 Authorized Economic Operators (OASs) will be able to collect their taxes only once a month. Meanwhile, the other companies will be able to collect them within the timeframe between customs clearance and certification registration.

For the primary zone, a distinction will be made between the terms cargo and commodity. In this way, the importer will be able to disentangle even partially his or her cargo in different situations. This change would make it possible to remove the product from primary to secondary zones without requiring the Customs Transit Declaration (DTA).

Several future shipments may also be registered in a single document, the Import Licensing (LI). Add to this the fact that, as already mentioned, customs clearance procedures may be anticipated by importing companies certified as OAS level 2 or expected to register with the DUIMP. The result comes in the form of less waiting and more optimization of standardization.

On Siscomex Web, next to the DUIMP, certification data for imports can be added directly to the system. With respect to products prohibited for importation, the system will not register the goods on the Siscomex portal in case of prohibition in Brazil.

There will also be a warning from Siscomex to the importer when items are found in the registry that require special treatment for disposal, such as solid waste.

How and when did the implementation of the DUIMP happen?

The first phase of implementation of the measure covered operations carried out by companies certified as Level 2 Authorized Economic Operators (OASs), in maritime mode, with full collection of taxes and that did not require an import license.

The second phase entered into force on December 18, 2018 to also include the map inspection recorded in the Physical Inspection Report (RIF) and other taxation regimes. Today, it is possible to access the Normative Instruction 1833, of September 25, 2018, which already presents the inclusion of the DUIMP in the customs clearance instructions.

What is the impact of the DUIMP on the import market?

For Julien Fauquenoy, CEO of Costa Porto, there will be a great optimization of all import work with the reduction of stages. “From the integrated systems, the DUIMP will provide cost reduction at the final destination (Brazil), as well as the reduction of storage in terminals that make the operation very expensive,” he says.

Fauquenoy sees a rise in imports with the arrival of the DUIMP, “because importers will be able to count on the reduction of time and cost in the operation, which will directly impact the final consumer of their product”. Once importation is facilitated, the financial impact is felt positively throughout the product cycle.

It is the beginning of a new global format of information interaction to make a jump in Brazilian imports, a facilitator that will integrate points and convert time into opportunity for those who know how to use it. You will not want to be left behind!

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